beri in english
Le chef de Beri y avait été incité par les partisans du 9e Panchen-Lama. It often occurs in developing countries among people with a diet that consists mostly of white rice or. Ambarella Fruit The latest news up-to-date information and developments from Berlin. . We hope this will help you in. एक म मल हई सरस और तस ४. Glosbe uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience. Memberi accord administer afford alight allow confer donate emerge exit give go out grant impart leave pass provide quit spare spend switch on turn on yield beri biru blueberry beri hitam blackberry beri perhatian attentive buah beri berry Examples Add Stem Aku jarang beri perhatian. Tener malas intenciones to have evil intentions. Click for more detailed English meaning translation meaning pronunciation and example sentences. Many translated example sentences containing beri English-Romanian dictionary and search engine for English tr